Friday, May 12, 2006

Where was all this money when I was a student?

The morning of my last full day in Cincinnati, I walked around UC's campus for a while. It had been almost four years since I'd actually gotten out of the car and wandered around there, and they've done some major renovations on campus since then. Wow. I barely recognize the place. Most of the trademark buildings are still there, like McMicken Hall, Tangeman Center, Swift Hall, etc. However, some have been totally gutted out and restored from the inside, so that only the exterior looks the same. In addition, there are a number of entirely new structures now on campus. It looks really really nice, and the current and future students have no idea how nice they have it. When I was an undergrad there, chunks of the ceiling in McMicken were perpetually falling in a couple classrooms and stairwells. Now, all the classrooms have new desks and computers. And Tangeman, which was once little more than a Dunkin Donuts, surrounded by a serious of large rooms full of crappy old sofas, now has a food court, beautiful new furniture throughout, a movie theater, works of art randomly stationed, and who knows what else. It's very cool.

McMicken Hall:

The English Department hallway inside McMicken (this '70s-era-high-school-resembling hallway clearly has not been renovated):

Tangeman Student Center:

A corner of Swift Hall, with a bunch of new stuff around it:

Nippert Stadium with a minor facelift:


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