Silly Quiz
So I just took an online quiz to see what my major should be (I thought I'd check now after collecting tens of thousands of dollars in student debt for getting a BA and MA in English). Turns out I should be an English major! Huh...who knew? The quiz also says I suck at anything remotely mathematical or scientific. Yep.
Here's what it told me:
You scored as English. You should be an English major! Your passion lies in reading, writing and expressing yourself creatively, and you hate it when you are inhibited from doing so. Pursue that interest of yours!
Philosophy 92%
Sociology 83%
Theater 83%
Anthropology 58%
Art 58%
Mathematics 50%
Psychology 42%
Engineering 33%
Biology 25%
Chemistry 25%
(created with
Alright, it's definitely time for me to do something more constructive with my day.
Religion/Theology 100%
French/German/Spanish 100%
English/Journalism/Comm 100%
Visual&PerformingArts 100%
Psychology/Sociology 94%
History/Anthropology 94%
HR/BusinessManagement 88%
Education/Counseling 81%
PoliticalScience/Philosophy 69%
Nursing/AthleticTraining 50%
Physics/Engineering 31%
Biology/Chemistry/Geology 25%
Accounting/Finance/Econ 25%
Mathematics/Statistics 25%
Which makes sense since I doubled in Theology and English, and I've taken 6 years of French and 2 of English.
This was actually a pretty rockin' quiz! (I just said Rockin'. Shoot me now.)
And. I meant to say that I've taken 6 years of French and 2 of Hebrew. But I didn't. I suck.
Two years of English... You're funny.
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