Thursday, September 14, 2006

a weird truck and an airplane

This vehicle was in the lane next to me on I-95 yesterday. I have no idea what exactly it is, but it amused me so I took a couple pictures.

And on a different topic, I read that some airport security guard tried to snag JK Rowling's manuscript for Harry Potter, book 7. Allegedly, the airline wasn't going to allow any carry-on luggage, and they tried to extend that to include the pile of paper she was carrying. But thankfully, Ms. Rowling was too stubborn and clever to hand over her manuscript to guards and threatened to not fly at all if they wouldn't let her hold onto it. The cool thing is that she says some of it was handwritten and her only copy, which excites the hell out of me as it shows she's in the middle of her writing process. Right now, as I type this, she is likely debating with herself certain plot choices and character development. How cool is that???


At September 15, 2006 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That truck is crazy and cool looking. Do you always have your camera with you? thats a good idea and pretty neat.


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